Auspicious Name Selection 取名

Auspicious Name Selection 取名

A person's or company's name matters a lot and can hold much influence over their fate.

Incorporating destiny studies in the name analysis system, Zi Yu Ge naming service combines numerology principles and favourable elements to calculate the best name, which is blessed by Heaven and Earth.

All names are personally curated by Master Vivienne.

Reports will be ready in 2 - 7 working days upon submission of complete information.




通过姓名的调整,可以改善人生的曲线, 提升自身的行运。


紫裕阁的命名服务, 主要是根据周易象数中的阴阳、五行生克制化法则,再配合三才五格理论及笔画数理作用,选出最适合命主八字或公司企业的吉祥名字。